As a consultant I:
Provide expert advice to create and implement conservation and sustainability strategies benefitting people, birds and other wildlife.
Lead and participate in collaborative partnerships to oversee, manage, and implement conservation projects.
Advocate for conservation through effective verbal / written communication, presentations.
Mitigating bird-window collisions
​Work with architects and planners to:
Incorporate bird-friendly design practices into new construction or renovations.
Craft bird-friendly design guidelines and legislation.
Communicate plans and strategies as applicable.
Work with homeowners or building managers to:
Assess building(s) for window collision risk.
Outline solutions.
Manage any or all aspects of the "fix" to protect birds.
Promote project if applicable to building owners, users and media as desired.

Great for birds AND for people
Work collaboratively with individuals, leadership and stakeholders on all levels - municipalities, academic and corporate campuses, neighborhoods - to:
Assess opportunities to merge the needs of birds and wildlife with the needs of people to create a wildlife friendly environment to benefit all.
Develop plans for incorporating bird-friendly best practices into current strategies.
Develop and maintain communications with and buy-in from stakeholders.
Implement bird-friendly plans.

Education, Engagement, Excitement
People love birds, nature and the environment and are curious and excited to learn. Topics include (but are not limited to):
Bird-window collisions - the problem, solutions, strategies. Customized for architects and planners (for AIA and LEED Continuing Education Credit) or for homeowners or any combination.
Bird-friendly communities - best practices for creating environments that help birds while reducing maintenance and improving the health and satisfaction of humans too. Can be customized to municipal leaders, corporate and campus property managers or homeowners (or any combination).
Birds! Bird-watching. Bird-feeding. Citizen Science. Etc. So many possibilities!
Nature! The health benefits of nature and birding and how to get started.
Other ideas - please share and we'll see what we can create!
Speaking fee based on subject, location and audience.